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Luiss Guido Carli

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English CV writing seminar "Passport to a worldwide job"

Would you like to apply for a job in another country but are not sure how? We are offering a seminar in English giving an introduction and practical examples of how to prepare a CV or Resume and cover letter, together with what to expect in an interview and how to prepare. When and where? Seminar will take place Classroom 304/A, V.le Romania the 26th of February from 17.30 (Don't need to reserve it) The seminar will cover the following areas:
•           Definitions
and Differences  (CV, Europass or Resumé)
•           10 Top
Tips to make your CV stand out (What to include + What to omit)

•           10 Top
errors in grammar and spelling (How to avoid them or fix them)

•           English
Level Assessment