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Luiss Guido Carli

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Master of Science in Finance (MOSFI)

Master Universitario di Primo Livello

Luiss offers a unique opportunity for students who want in-depth knowledge of the field of finance. The Master of Science in Finance (MOSFI) is a one-year specialization program held entirely in English which provides rigorous training in finance. Upon successful completion of the program, students are granted 60 ECTS credits.

Students who graduate from MOSFI will have access to top retail and investment banks, asset management companies and other financial institutions. The program has agreements with several financial institutions to guarantee internships and job opportunities to the most outstanding students.

Students will acquire in-depth understanding of the field through a rigorous and challenging program covering finance, econometrics, corporate finance, and asset management. This will prepare students for successful professional careers.

Director: Prof. Nicola Borri, full professor of International Finance, Department of Business and Management and Department of Economics and Finance.

Key facts

  • 60 CFU
  • Quota di iscrizione: 10.250 euro
  • Borse di studio Luiss

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