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Luiss Guido Carli

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Master in European Economic Governance (MEEG)

Second-level master's degree

MEEG aims at training fully fledged economists with expert knowledge in European regulation and policy. Technical and analytical competences that the participants will acquire at MEEG, are intended to form professionals in the field of European institutions and in the management of relations between national institutions or companies and European institutions. 

Almost all the big and medium sized firms of EMU’s Member states entertain stable and continuous interactions with European key-institutions. These interactions are often based on an insufficient knowledge of the regulatory framework on the side of firms; on the other hand, European institutions often do not adequately assess the impact of the regulatory framework on firms’ activity through technical and country-specific instruments. MEEG aims at training professionals who can play these missing roles both on the side of national institutions and companies and on that of European institutions.

Key Facts

  • 1 Scholarship Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
  • 3 Scholarships Poste Italiane
  • 3 Scholarships Luiss
  • 2 Scholarships Leonardo

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