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Luiss Guido Carli

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A special lecture by Professor Harvey Goldblatt at LUISS

On March 26, Mr. Goldblatt, a professor of Medieval Slavic Literature at Yale University, will hold a lecture on the current crisis in Ukraine

Harvey Goldblatt Yale

On Thursday, March 26, Harvey Goldblatt, a professor of Medieval Slavic Literature at Yale University, will be a guest at LUISS for the International Relations class held by professor Raffaele Marchetti.

Professor Goldblatt will hold a special lecture: Dissolution and Independence in 2015: On the Current Crisis in Ukraine and its Eastern-European Legacy. The lecture will present the current crisis in Ukraine against a broad historical and political backdrop, analyzing the similarities between what is occurring in Ukraine and the disaster that befell Yugoslavia beginning in the early 1990s.

Harvey Goldblatt is a specialist in Slavic literary and cultural traditions and has been the Master of Pierson College since 1994. A graduate of McGill University, he undertook further study in Moscow and Prague before earning his Ph.D. from Yale in 1978. He taught at Yale from 1977 to 1984 and returned in 1990. Professor Goldblatt served as Chair of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures for seven years (1997-2004) and has been Chair of Yale's Language Study Committee, the Yale-Ukraine Initiative, and the Canadian Studies Committee.

He is the editor of Yale Russian and East European Publications and also serves on the editorial boards of several journals on Slavic literature both in the United States and abroad. Professor Goldblatt has authored numerous studies that examine the Slavic cultural past as well as its present.

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