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Luiss Guido Carli

Logo Luiss

Semester Abroad at Cass Business School

Cass and Luiss have an agreement that will allow Luiss students to spend a semester at Cass (additional tuition fees will apply).

Luiss students, currently enrolled in their second year of their Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business, can spend one semester of their third year at Cass, with the courses recognized on their Luiss study plan.


Cass Business School is consistently ranked among the top five business schools in the world. City University is located in London (Bunhill Row and Northampton Square).

The CASS semester abroad program is a tuition-paying program (students will pay the tuition fee to CASS, apart from the normal tuition fees at Luiss).


Available slots

Every year 5 students can take part in the program.

Details regarding prerequisites for participation, the application procedure, the selection process, deadlines, and further information, will be contained in the call for applications.

Luiss call for applications: timing

Publication of the callDecember 9, 2019 at 1:00 PM
Apply for the program starting from January 7, 2020
Deadline to applyJanuary 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Selection resultsTBD
Confirmation of participationTBD
Deadline for acceptance from waiting listTBD
Confirmation of participationwithin one working day

CASS information for selected students

Student fees

Tuition fees for the Cass semester abroad (to be paid directly to CASS, in addition to the regular tuition fees paid to Luiss by the usual deadlines) for the 2019/2020 academic year are as follows (TBC):

  • £ 5,840 for the Fall Term in 2019
  • £ 7,260 for the Spring Term in 2020

(fees include: welcome and introduction session; academic orientation and ongoing tutoring for many courses; social and cultural activities; courses for a maximum of 60 City credits).

(fees do not include: transport to or from Italy or any other point of departure to or from City; health insurance; text books and teaching materials; housing and other living costs; local transport)

Cass application procedure

The link to the application procedure will soon be available.

Students should bear in mind that there are specific deadlines for Luiss students. The International Development Office will notify selected students of these deadlines in a specific orientation session.

Cass logoCourses open to Luiss students

You can find the list of courses available for LUISS students here.

Academic coordinator: Professor Giovanna Vallanti

While every effort will be made to provide students with complete, accurate and timely information, Luiss reserves the right to change, amend, modify or revoke the aforementioned program.

Luiss is not responsible for any cancellation or modification due to events beyond its control. If the program is cancelled or modified for these reasons, Luiss will inform all interested students in a timely manner.