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Luiss Guido Carli

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Presentation of the LL.M. Educational Program with University of Glasgow


On Thursday September 19, at 10:30 a.m. in Room 13 of the Via Parenzo campus, Luiss will host a presentation of the LL.M. Educational Program with the University of Glasgow, open to all Law students who would like to enrich their academic path through this challenging and unique opportunity.

The presentation is held by Professor Marco Goldoni, Senior Lecturer at School of Law – University of Glasgow, who will outline the program features and will answer to any question on the program. The meeting will be also joined by Maurizio Bellacosa, Professor of Criminal Law at Luiss and one of the academic coordinators of the program.

The calls for application for all the LLM Educational Programs offered by Luiss will be published in December 2019 and will be open for all students currently enrolled in the 4th year of the single-cycle master’s program in Law.

For further information please contact the International Development Office at